
Drawing for Animation 1 KNB112 - Assessment 1 Portfolio A - Luke Hughes - N8618283

Life Drawing

2 minutes

1 minute

30 seconds

Environment Design Final - Haunted Forest

Set in 1066, Hastings Forest, UK.
Redesign of the Haunted Forest from the Wizard of Oz.

Environment Design Thumbnails - Haunted Forest

Final Axe Design - View 3 

A redesign for the Wizard of Oz during the haunted forest scene. 

Set in 1066 - The Battle of Hastings is raging on.
 Tinman is a medieval knight, and this is his trusty axe. 

Final Axe Design - View 2 

Final Axe Design - View 1 

Thumbnail Sketches - Tinman's Axe Prop Design

Concept Drawing - Survivor's Shelter

Inspiration Board

Single Line Drawing Without Looking At Page

Contour Hand 

Playing With Line

Anatomy & Poses

Quick Perspective Studies

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