
Drawing for Animation 1 KNB112 - Assessment 1 Portfolio B - Luke Hughes - N8618283

Wizard of Oz Redesign - Portfolio B - Character Design

I was given the task to redesign the Wizard of Oz, specifically the Haunted Forest scene. The story has been completely re imagined. Set in 1066, Hastings Forest, UK. The Battle of Hastings is raging on. Dorothy, a Native American Indian, is far from home in an unfamiliar place, but has befriended Tinman, an English Knight, under the command of Anglo-Saxon King Harold II. The following is my recreation of the Wizard of Oz for the Haunted Forest Scene, with the end goal of developing a 2 minute animatic. 

Tinman T Pose Turn Around

With the character designed, a T pose is required for 3D modelling and reference for other artists in the studio. This task has been a fun and challenging experience, my next challenge is to model this in 3D! 

Tinman Final Render & Construction

After a series of silhouettes and concept sketches, a final design was found.
To complete the concept sketch for this character, the drawing has been rendered in Photoshop.

T Pose Sketches

Front, Side and back views were developed to create the T pose turn around drawing. It was challenging to ensure each drawing and it's components remained consistent. 

Tinman Action Pose

An action pose allowed me to build a better understand of the character and how he would move and handle is axe. (See Portfolio A for Axe design) 

Tinman Silhouettes 

Multiple quick silhouettes were drawn to get the creative juices flowing and to find a suitable pose/overall frame of the character.

Dorothy T Pose Turn Around

Again, consistency between poses was difficult but compared to the Tinman, this was easier due to the simpler costume design. Sketched with 4B pencil and finished in Photoshop.

Dorothy Final Render & Construction

Dorothy was an enjoyable character to design, especially with her redesign I was able to reinvent her in my own way. The tattoo on her arm means 'energy' in Native American, emphasizing her Agility. 

Dorothy T Pose Sketches

Front, Side, Back poses were developed for the final T pose turn around drawing

Dorothy Action Pose

This action pose allowed me to build a better understanding of the characters attitude, mobility and overall structure. Along with a depiction of her hunting companion, Toto the wolf. 

Character Brainstorming

Fleshing out ideas and key aspects of the character design. 

Dorothy Silhouettes

Silhouettes to find the form, costume, pose and explore ideas for the final design. 

30 Minute Life Drawing Poses

With more time to draw these poses, I was able to add more detail to my drawings, overall I am happy with the results. I am definitely feeling more confident every time I draw which is a great feeling! 

5 Minute Life Drawing Poses

Some quicker poses focusing on structure.

1-2 Minute Life Drawing Poses

Quick poses focusing on capturing gesture.

Glenn Vilppu Lessons

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