
Industrial Design 6 - Interactive Design - DNH603

Input / Output Junk Models

This was a great task to get started with understanding the basic fundamentals of input / output interactions.

By using basic materials we were able to easily demonstrate and learn about input and outputs in a basic sense. In this video you can see that the input is movement from air, from the user's "Squeeze" interaction and the output is movement (spinning). This task shows how the concept of action - reaction works. (Squeeze = spin). 

Analyzing Interactions

How do basic interactions occur in every day life, what gestures are involved? As you can see there is a variety of different gestures that people use in different situations, but with this understanding of gestures, designers are able to design intuitive interactions.

We quickly acted out a simple every-day task of plugging in a phone to charge. 

The action and reaction process is outlined with inputs and outputs from the system. 

A storyboard is then created to visualize analyze the process.

 Finally we are able to create a quality of interactions table which helps to further analyze and improve product interactions. 


People and Prototypes by Bill Moggridge

Bill explains a really interesting outlook on the prototyping process for designs. It's important for designers to prototype early in the design process and continue to do so as often as possible, this is a vital way for designers to understand and test their ideas quickly and easily. We designers are visual, hands on learners so what better way to develop product designs and ideas that through iterative prototyping. Prototyping is an important way to really test your design to ensure your ideas function how you visualize them to. 

"You will only know that the design is good
when you have tried it out with the people who will use it
and found that they are pleased, excited, motivated, and
satisfied with the result."

Bill outlines the interaction design process in a series of elements and a flow chart, this acts as a guide for designers to follow, but it is important to realize that "the most productive process is usually out of order, it can sometimes seem almost random" Bill explains that the design process is almost like a pin ball machine, where designer moves back and forth, quickly, repetitively and frequently for greatest results, until you find order among the chaos.

Understanding Metaphors

By using metaphors, we are able to design interactions that are familiar to the user. We searched for metaphors that can be applied to a power switch on a mouse, and found that a sliding lock to open and close fit this application. 

The metaphor of opening and closing a lock can be applied to powering on and off a device, you are opening the device for use, or you are closing the device when are you finished. When the powerswitch is opened through a flicking action, the reaction from the system is status through a power LED light. 

Product Deconstruction

For this next section we deconstructed a razer gaming mouse to further understanding the components inside.

Some components can be separated from the existing system and become something else entirely, E.g. the mouse wheel can become a spin top.

Re-purposing Components

Here we begin analyzing the main input and outputs from the mouse system, by doing this we are able to then re-purpose the components to create something new.

Perhaps the motion sensor can be used to create a door?

Further analysis of the mouse system.

Finally we converted the mouse system into a remote control for a RC car. It was found that the inputs and potential outputs from the existing system would work well if re-purposed to this application.


On the ground running: Lessons from experience design - From Adobe Design Center's Think Tank, May 2007

It is vital for designers, especially those that specialize in experience design, to understand that not everything can be designed in an exact and perfect way. Not all systems and products can be designed to function or be used exactly how the designer intended. Instead of designing for absolute, final, one-way only products and systems, designers must realize that the user will create their own experience, the user will engage and interact with products in an organic and unpredictable way. With this in mind the designer must “plan for people configuring their own experiences”. The designer must step back and not ‘baby’ their productions, they must let them breathe and take a life of their own, this is where true innovations and engaging experiences are made. “In the long run, providing for high-quality experiences in a deeply networked age means having the humility to know when our efforts are most welcome…and when, as designers, we must let go.”

Light Sensor

Now begins the journey of learning arduino!

Here a sensor is used to detect how much light it is being exposed to, this is the input. This input then sends data to the LED light as the output, which changes colour depending on how much light the sensor is exposed to.


Similar to a rotary switch, a potentiomter acts as a dial for degrees of information, this is the input. This input data can then be used to alter the colour or intensity of an output LED.


Designing User Actions In Tangible Interactions

Designers creating systems or products that utilize tangible interactions should address the human body, allowing users to learn skills through doing, and let them perfect this new learned skill over time. While designers typically strive to make product use quick and easy to learn, this idea, in theory is great, but in practice is extremely difficult to achieve. Instead, designers should consider redirecting requirements of cognitive skill, to tangible interactions. 

Though this opens up new and exciting challenges of researching and understanding user actions, where anthropologists have a large task ahead of them. Perhaps even opening up a new field focusing on human movement research. With this research a greater understanding of tangible interactions can be found, and industrial designers will be able to develop truly innovative products and systems. 

Design Development

For our first tech project using arduino, we are to develop a system that helps individuals with their health and wellness - this is a fast paced build in a short time. For this project I will be developing a memory game for elderly people with dimentia. 

First of all, the components are wired up and tested with simple code (flashing LED) to ensure everything is working correctly. This project required four momentary switches and 1 audio sensor as the input. 1 speaker and 4 LED's as the output. 

Here, the code is seen working with most sensors in the system. I am still yet to add a speaker to replace the buzzer and add the audio sensor. As you can see the system outputs a random sequence of LED colours and audio, the user is then required to mimic this pattern with the corresponding momentary switches, the system provides feedback with both correct or incorrect patterns.

Here I am testing the new microphone (audio sensor) in the system by turning on and off an LED prior to implementing it in the whole build.

Here, the user is able to use an engaging and tangible interaction to start the device, this helps to create an enjoyable and memorable experience. The metaphor for the clap is waking up someone "Hey, wake-up! *Clap*"

Here is an overview of the final build and components, the wiring has been cleaned up and the speaker has been soldered and added to the system. 

Tangible Interactions

QOI Table

Utilizing the quality of interactions table, I was able to breakdown and analyse the actions, reactions, functionality and potential problems to develop quality, engaging interactions. Each interaction was broken down into 5 actions, turning on, beginning the memory challenge, begin memorizing, remembering and replicating, and turning off.
When turning on, the device reacts by powering on to prepare for memory exercise. A quality interaction was achieved by implementing an LED status light to provide feedback to the user. 

When activating the challenge, the device reacts by starting the game for memory exercise. Aan interesting quality interaction was achieved through the implementation of the gestural action of clapping to begin, activating an audio and light show to greet the user, and subsequently starting the game.

When memorizing, the led’s light up in random order to stimulate and challenge the brain and memory, providing a quality interaction with light and audio feedback for engagement.
When remembering and replicating, the device will react whether the correct order has been achieved or not with audio and visual feedback.

When turning off, the device reacts by powering down and the status LED’s turn off to indicate the status to the user. 


By utilizing metaphors and using them to apply sensors and outputs from the system, the actions required when using the device will be familiar to the users.  

When beginning the memory exercise, the user will clap in order to activate the sound sensor, the metaphor for this sensor is to get the attention of someone ignoring you, "Hey! Wake up" in response the device will output LED light show and audio to indicate the game is starting.

The metaphor for memorizing the random light and audio output from the device, is remembering a clap pattern when playing Chinese whispers.

When returning the random light and audio output, the user will use a push action to activate the momentary switch sensor. The metaphor for this is passing on the clap pattern when playing Chinese whispers, the idea here is that during the game, users will have a switch on their hand for when they clap. 

Presentation Board


Overall a great learning experience, I feel as though the presentation was well executed, but more clarity was required around the metaphors, this was communicated successfully through the tables, but was accidently overlooked during verbal presentation.


Desk bound



To develop a product and user interface that utilizes tangible, engaging interactive technologies to enhance the user’s health and wellness through muscle mobilization.


·         To improve mobility
·         Relieve postural related pains
·         Improve lifestyle through mobility
·         Improve quality time with kids through new found mobility
·         To provide mobilization education to the user and family
·         Connect the user with their physiotherapist to enhance sessions

·         Engage the user in their health and wellness through engaging tangible interactions and meaningful data

Concept Sketching

Concept Development

Moball, a device that will revolutionize the future of mobilization. With inbuilt interactive technologies, Moball allows the user to freely and easily mobilize wherever they are.
Moball works using a mobilization technique called self myofascial release, which relieves pain and improves posture. Research shows that 2 minutes of mobilization per muscle is the gold standard and will drastically improve the user’s physical and emotional well-being.

Moball Provides app-based education, mobilization timing, recorded data to enhance their health and wellness through becoming more self-aware and data relay to the user’s physiotherapist and family for effective treatment and motivation. 

The Moball features a plethora of interactive and smart sensors that come together to form a truly innovative product design. The Micro structured rubber dielectric pressure sensor skin around the Moball senses pressure and sends data to the microcontroller. This data is then used to inform the user during and after use, it detects whether enough pressure is applied, and also gathers information displayed on usage charts in the mobile app. The Moball contains a variety of input and output functions and is summarized in the table above. 

By utilizing and applying metaphors to sensors and outputs from the system, the actions required when using the device will be familiar to the users.  Moball excels by utilizing gestures and embedded metaphors, allowing for an engaging, memorable and intuitive interaction.

The above components and materials have been chosen to provide the most effective design possible. The components are cost effective, easily maintained, accessed and updated, and allow the Moball to function as required. The natural rubber casing has been chosen to provide a lightweight and durable shell that will last a lifetime of use, while being biodegradable and easy to manufacture at a high quantity output.

The user interface plays an important role in the function of the product, consisting of three tabs.

The first being Mobility, allowing the user to choose from a list of muscle groups, and engage in a variety of mobilization techniques for chosen areas. This teaches the user exactly how to mobilize using the Moball, providing a plethora of education to help them reach their health & wellness goals.

The second section provides data about the user that has been gathered by the Moball throughout its usage. This data can inform the self-aware user how they’re performing and learn more about themselves. This data is also relayed to the user’s physiotherapist to allow them to personalize and enhance future sessions. 

Finally, gamification is built in through a simple point system. On completion of a series of mobilization drills for the day, the user is rewarded with points, gather enough points and they can unlock exclusive rewards to help further their health & wellness. This will also help to develop healthy competition between the user and their friends or family who also own a Moball, helping to keep them motivated and interested. 

Product Brochure

Visual Model

Presentation Boards

Moball Renders

Interactive Model Making

This little bug was pulled apart to access the vibration motor inside, this was then soldered, wired and applied to the system for movement output.

An acceleromter is used to input the shaking function which will then output audio through the speaker.

Here I am setting up the components for the Moball interactive model. The vibration motor has been wired up and is being tested.

The accelerometer has been added and is being tested for its shaking input. This outputs audio, light and movement from the system. 

Here I am setting up the components for the Moball interactive model. The vibration motor has been wired up and is being tested.

Here, the rotary switch has been adding to function as the 'Twist' function, like twisting open a container. This then turns on the system and outputs audio, vibration and light. 

Here I've added a pressure sensitive resistor to act as the pressure sensor for the "squash" metaphor. I am doing a quick test to ensure it functions properly by using an LED. 

Once the user has applied pressure for 2 minutes of mobilization the system alerts them through audio and vibration. For demonstration purposes this timer has been reduced.

Here is a video of the interaction model working as a whole. (there are some audio issues with the video). Twist to turn on, shake to choose relaxation or preworkout playlists, pressure to mobilize, then finish mobilization and win!

Design Fiction Video

Product Specification Report

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